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Featured Products: Cellular M2M Omni-Directional Antennas.

Seen in our Cellular M2M Brochure, the DOD3-700/2700 and OD3-700/2700


  • Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output antenna design
  • 694-690 MHz and 1700-2700 MHz bands
  • Designed to cover targeted areas

Industrial M2M networks require dependable data transfer.  Mobile Mark offers a range of rugged omni-directional antennas designed to cover specific areas, close in or at a distance.  Our DOD3 can meet industry specific features such as high voltage or PTCRB Requirements by Cellular Carriers.



  • 2-3 dBi antenna provides uniform Omni coverage
  • Monitors in rugged conditions
  • 694-960 MHz and 1700-2700 MHz bands

Using PCB Technology, the OD3 antenna improves high-speed broadband system performance.  This antenna is optimized for 3G Cellular, 4G LTE, and LTE Plus systems and protects against severe vibration, impact, water ingress or sea salt incursion.

Click here for DOD3-700/2700 Product Spec Sheet

Click here for OD3-700/2700 Product Spec Sheet

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